First Post

Posted in Uncategorized on October 19, 2010 by siderealstilus

What happens when you’re taking highly theoretical classes, all of which involve abstract concepts which require lots and lots of deeply philosophical readings and then you read all of the brilliant Dresden Codak in one day? This blog.
This is in no way fan-fiction of Aaron Diaz’s work, but I felt credit for inspiration where credit is due.

I’ve had this world bouncing in my head for quite a few weeks now. I actually didn’t intend to write anything on it, because there’s no actual plot (yet). Just a world and characters to inhabit it. But let’s just say MacroEconomics, though necessary and occasionally interesting, was no so engaging today. So I wrote a collection, really just flashes of scenes. Just a taste, if you will.

I want this not-story to be linguistically, historically, philosophically, scientifically and in the traditional sense, hecka nerdy. There are layers of thought that went into name choices and symbolism, and it won’t always come out clearly, particularly in the drawings (because I’m really not good at art), but hopefully, you will find something that makes you smile.

So file this away under “Blog that will update once in a blue moon” and have a good trip. =)

New Idea

Posted in Uncategorized on October 18, 2010 by siderealstilus

I had originally planned to post some story ideas here, but I’ve decided that with November coming up, I’m going to save them and use them for a NANOWRIMO project. I’m leaving the blog up in case I don’t complete it, but want to work on it more later. Stay tuned!